Inshallah – The Moroccan Experience

Visiting Morocco for work is undeniably different from visiting for leisure. It offers the opportunity to peel back its outer layers and discover the authentic customs that may differ from those shown on television.

Like every country, Morocco embodies strong contradictions. Here, you’ll witness contrasts between day and night, heaven and hell, unity and division, wisdom and ignorance, generosity and greed, harmony and chaos, freedom and captivity, dreams and reality.

The landscape is chameleonic. Not only does it transform with every step, but the same location can appear vastly different depending on the time of day.

The Moroccan people are welcoming and possess boundless generosity. They consistently attend to your needs, offering assistance and hospitality at every turn, within the constraints of their social structure.

My time in Morocco taught me a lot. It’s all about adapting because every day brings unexpected challenges. Amidst my worries, the phrase “Inshallah” that I kept being told every other minute, reminded me to stay hopeful and determined, interpreting it as a commitment to making things work, rather than just leaving it up to fate.

Until next time Morocco, Inshallah.

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