Fear & Reward

An early morning run on Mars.Being very anxious, when running above 2500m, I always have this mixed feeling of excitement and fear: “Damn, it feels so good to be up here me, myself and I, with the whole mountain all for me.” Alternated to “I haven’t met a single human being since I left home; […]

Runners are no hero

I hate it when people speak ofrunners as “heroes.” Runners are no heroes. They’re not saving anyone’s life. They only do it for themselves, so the word selfish would be more appropriate than Hero. Is it hard? Hell no! It’s just fun. Sure, we struggle sometimes, but if it weren’t something joyful, we would not […]


The place to be (early in the morning). It probably became one of Switzerland’s most popular Instagram spots in the last few years. And since it is so often overcrowded, full of noisy tourists hiking around the lake with flip-flops, like if they were in Disneyland or on the bike lane on Venice beach, I […]

Running is only a Game

An unconventional approach to Running Have you ever wondered what other people think of you when they see you run Have you ever wondered what other people think of you when they see you running down a street, in front of their houses, or when you bump into them on trails? THEY DON’T CARE. But […]

La Cresta (Ita)

Corro da diversi anni in montagna, e dopo tutto questo tempo ho imparato a conoscerla, a misurarla, ma soprattutto, esattamente come al nostro primo incontro, continuo a rispettarla. Un rispetto che non si traduce solo nell’ovvio senso civico di tenere puliti i sentieri sui quali cammino, di non contaminarla con cose che non le appartengono […]

Running on the edge

Ridge running is one of the most thrilling experiences you can have. Feeling at the same time free, with no barriers, and fully exposed to danger. I’m for sure what you can call a wimp. I’m always kind of scared and excited at the same time while I am laying on the edge of the […]

Alpstein Aerials

We, trail runners, run on mountains to feel high. We want to see the world from above. We run high to leave behind our daily routine, made of chaos, traffic jam, smog, noise, and concrete… We are out there looking for inner peace, embraced by fresh air with that good smell of trees, grass, and […]

The Runfromdivan Project

Back in december 2019, on a group run organised by Runaway shop in Milan (Via Ugo Bassi, 22) I met a guy named Artem, who’s also obviously passionated about running. And I discovered some time after our run, that he created a curious project called Runfromdivan. This project is based mainly on Instagram as a […]