Home to Meglisalp

After a wonderful Saturday spent with friends, watching the event we created come to life once again, we reached our goal: making people smile as we shared in what we all love: Running. Sunday, however, was my turn. I had one last long run planned before the year’s grand finale: the Valtellina Wine Trail in […]

Inshallah – The Moroccan Experience

Visiting Morocco for work is undeniably different from visiting for leisure. It offers the opportunity to peel back its outer layers and discover the authentic customs that may differ from those shown on television. Like every country, Morocco embodies strong contradictions. Here, you’ll witness contrasts between day and night, heaven and hell, unity and division, […]

Altstätter Berglauf

After successfully co-founding two trail running races, is it now legitimate to add “Race Organizer” as a job title? Another epic day was spent outdoors on Saturday, November 25th, at the first Altstätter Berglauf. Upon moving to Switzerland, I immediately fell in love with Altstätten, a little gem nestled at the foot of the Appenzeller […]

Those damned 10km

Returning home, swaying through the snowy turns of San Bernardino, I reflect on my just-concluded fifth Valtellina Wine Trail. I’ve been running for years, always finding my personal sweet spot in medium/short trail races (40-60 km). It’s the perfect balance—not too short for frantic paces, nor too long to endure nights. In this distance, I […]


EN I love authenticity. I appreciate psychotherapists, but I’m definitely less enthusiastic about mental coaches. The genius fascinates me, while perfection seems less interesting to me. I love those who put their all into it, those who throw themselves without waiting for the perfect moment, even if it means making mistakes and trying again. I’m […]

A World Final with an Italian Flair

What a confusion! The fervent passion for this sport makes us tolerate even extreme situations, as is the case here, where we approach the brink of total exasperation.Trail running, the most primitive form of physical activity that only requires one’s own body and a trail, is experiencing its peak of popularity in 2023. Undoubtedly, the […]

Questo è il nostro castello di sabbia. ITA

Ora che sono trascorsi alcuni giorni dalla terza edizione dell’ALL IN, trovo finalmente il tempo per scrivere due righe. Rivivendo i momenti di quella meravigliosa giornata attraverso le fotografie (che presto pubblicheremo) e guardando con orgoglio i volti sorridenti delle persone divertite, mi viene in mente un’analogia che mi riporta indietro nel tempo.Vi ricordate quando […]


September is my so-called emotional month when I have hit the lowest and brightest moments of my life.The month I lost my most inspirational man. The one who taught me that being kind and loveful to everyone who deserves it is always right. The man who taught me there is no shame about being honest […]

The Poletti Gate

Following the scandal that emerged after Martina Valmassoi’s post, I firmly believe it deserves a few thoughts from everyone.For some years, I have disliked the direction of the UTMB world tour and, consequently, the entire Trail Running movement. Now I feel it is currently going too far.The whole qualifying score system, where the amount of […]

ALL IN Trail Run

It all started in 2017 when my friend Manuel and I while running our hometown hills in northern Italy, thought we should have a running team.But a fun one. Unlike the usual running teams that focus on the performance and results of their athletes, looking for sponsors, and recruiting proselytes that pay fees that allows them to […]